Join a Committee
Maximize AMPs membership by engaging in committees.
If you are interested in joining one of the committees please contact the committee chair listed below:
Committee member responsibilities include:
- Attending all meetings of the committee;
- Contributing in meetings and voicing objective opinions concerning committee issues;
- Carrying out individual assignments that are made by the committee chair;
- Assisting in recruiting committee members; and
- Reviewing all relevant material prior to committee meetings.
Education Committee
The Education Committee’s role is to focus on bringing innovative, inspiring and thought-provoking speakers to our monthly meetings. Within this committee, the Education committee will focus on new ways to earn CEU credits as well as help to keep our monthly meetings attractive through education.
Education Committee
Chair and Board Liaison
Elizabeth Berry – Chair | eberry@gotolouisville.com |
Linda Worthington – Board Liaison | lworthington@worthington-associates.com |
Lee Gimpel – Board Liaison | lee@bettermeetings.expert |
Membership Committee
The most important part of AMPs is the members that make up our community. The membership committee will focus on integrating new members into the established AMPs family, as well as finding ways to re-engage our veteran members. This committee will help to remind you why you joined AMPs and what makes us so unique.
New within the Membership Committee is the Social Engagement focus. AMPs focus on social engagement will help bring new and exciting member benefits to the community. Not only planning our community service events, but also helping to implement exciting social activities outside of our regularly scheduled monthly meetings including happy hours, brown bags, and much more. Stay tuned for exciting new ways to engage within our community, and consider joining the committee to help make an impact!
Membership Committee
Chair and Board Liaison
Lilly Mitchell – Chair | LMitchell@visitalexva.com |
Shirley DelCarpio – Co-Chair | |
Jennifer Abdinoor – Board Liaison | jabdinoor@renotahoeusa.com |
DEI Committee
The DEI Committee is charged with developing recommendations for improving AMPs policies and practices regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. Further, the committee will review AMPs program dates to ensure there are no conflicts with religious or cultural holidays, make recommendations on educational topics, prospective leadership and recruitment of new members to ensure that AMPs is truly representative of the meetings industry. The committee will work with existing committees and leadership to help move forward AMPs mission and all strategic goals.
Sponsorship Committee
Chair and Board Liaison
Gus Martinez – Chair | gus@gsmdiversity.com |
Amy Pettigrew - Board Liaison | amympettigrew@gmail.com |
Special Events Committee
The purpose of the Special Events Committee is to create and execute top-notch industry events throughout the AMPs calendar year. In the past, these have included the Golf Tournament, Holiday Party and Summer Bash; however, we are open to new ideas and encourage creativity among our committees. This new committee structure, which brings golf into the fold, centralizes all our special events, allowing for better communication between our committee members and Management Company and giving our committee members exposure to planning various large-scale events.
Special Events Committee
Chair and Board Liaison
Tonya Horsley – Chair | info@tlhconsultantsllc.com |
Sheila Neal, CASE – Co-Chair | sneal@visitdetroit.com |
Liz Dane – Board Liaison | liz@visitspc.com |
Sponsorship Committee
The Sponsorship Committee is responsible for implementation of the sponsorship campaign as well as maintaining relationships with the existing sponsors throughout the year under the oversight of the Board of Directors. It is comprised of a representative and diverse group of members to collaborate and plan the marketing and public relations initiatives for the year.
Sponsorship Committee
Chair and Board Liaison
Thérèse Clemens, CAE – Chair | therese@clemens.associates |
Tonya Horsley - Board Liaison | info@tlhconsultantsllc.com |
Marketing and Communications Committee
As we watch technology evolve quickly around us, we find it important for AMPs to help deliver up-to-date information to the community through social media. The focus of this new committee is to find ways AMPs can bring the news to you in fun bite-size fashion when you want and need it most.
Marketing and Communications Committee
Chair and Board Liaison
Duane Gibson – Chair | duane@spelledwithu.com |
Danielle Foisy – Board Liaison | dfoisy@tms.com |
Corinne Routhier – Board Liaison | crouthier@bbbnp.org |
For more additional information on AMPs Committees, please contact the committee chair or email info@ampsweb.org.